The CSP office will be closed between Christmas and New Year (25 December-2 January).  If you need urgent advice during this period visit "Advice for members during the holiday closure"

Parents, parents-to-be and carers

Essential information for members who are parents or are planning to be parents, and for carers, as well as for stewards who are advising them and negotiating with employers. 


Maternity leave and pay

Basic maternity rights apply to everyone, but what you are entitled to will vary depending on who your employer is and how long you have worked there.

Understand your entitlements to maternity leave
Maternity leave and pay rights

Paternity leave and pay

You may be able to take one or two weeks' paternity leave to look after your baby and support your partner.

Discover more about your rights to paternity leave
Paternity leave and pay rights

Adoption leave and pay

Parents who are adopting have the right to take adoption leave, which works in a similar way to maternity and paternity leave.

Learn what adoption leave you may be entitled to
Adoption leave and pay rights

Shared parental leave

The shared parental leave and pay scheme applies to couples in paid work following the birth or adoption of a child, including adoption overseas, and surrogacy arrangements.

Find out more about shared parental leave
CSP issues advice on new parental leave rules

Other types of parental or dependents' leave

Other forms of parental or family leave include unpaid parental leave, time off for family emergencies or parental bereavement leave. There are limited statutory rights for employees who are carers of adults.

Discover more about parental leave
Parental leave rights

Flexible working

You can make a request to your employer for flexible working – but they are not obliged to accept it

Learn about flexible working
Flexible working rights

NHS and non-NHS terms and conditions

Whether you are entitled to more than the minimum legal rights to parental leave will depend on where you are employed

NHS and non-NHS terms and conditions
Work place wins

Getting the best for your members

If you're a CSP rep then it's a good idea to get familiar with the various legal entitlements that exist for parents, parents-to-be and carers. There are also steps you can take to negotiate a family-friendly workplace.

How to negotiate for a family-friendly workplace
Group of physios in a meeting