The CSP office will be closed between Christmas and New Year (25 December-2 January).  If you need urgent advice during this period visit "Advice for members during the holiday closure"

WorldCat Discovery

WorldCat Discovery helps CSP members and staff easily access resources available from our eLibrary and over 10,000 libraries around the world through a single search. It connects users to CSP’s specialist collections via our website, and it provides free access to over 87 million items through open content providers.

WorldCat Discovery is the library catalogue of CSP’s eLibrary, Knowledge and Archive Services (eLKAS).

Whether you're looking for eBooks, eJournal articles, eTheses, or CSP publications, start your search on this comprehensive platform.

You can access our EBSCOhost or ProQuest eBook collections 

and our eJournals for members via this interface.

The WorldCat Discovery platform allows you to find eResources:

  • in your library (CSP eLKAS)
  • or other libraries (Libraries Worldwide)

Making the most of WorldCat Discovery

When it comes to searching, the quality and relevance of your results will be determined by the appropriateness of your search terms and techniques.

Below are some simple top tips for making the most of this platform: 

  • Try phrase searching, denoted by double quotation marks (“ ”). This is an easy way to quickly refine your results, as it tells the platform to search for your phrase, e.g. “musculoskeletal physiotherapy”.
  • Avoid misspellings, typos, and unnecessary punctuation. If you enter an incorrectly spelt word, the platform will look for that exact spelling.
  • Filter your results: the platform is equipped with Advanced Search features designed to facilitate precise and targeted search. You can easily refine your search results by date, publication type, author, and more.
  • Citation management: the platform integrates with reference management tools (like Endnote and Zotero), which can assist you in organising and formatting references.
  • Save your results to bookmark useful sources.

WorldCat library search

Start using WorldCat Discovery by typing in a keyword in the search box below and then clicking SEARCH.

If you haven’t yet logged in to your account on the CSP website, you will be directed to login and type your username and password before viewing the results of your search.

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