Liverpool NHS trust’s AHP strategy to forge links between physios and researchers
Cooperation between physiotherapists and researchers at the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust could be strengthened by the trust’s first strategy for allied health professions (AHPs).
CSP welcomes HEFCE’s confirmation of teaching grant for physio education
The CSP has welcomed the announcement by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) that undergraduate pre-registration physiotherapy education will continue to receive some public funding in the form of a teaching grant.
Ethnic minorities have fewer joint replacements, study finds
A study of more than 640,000 patient records shows that people from ethnic minorities are less likely to have hip or knee replacement surgery than their white counterparts.
CSP endorses Arthritis Research UK exercise guide for MSK conditions
Arthritis Research UK has published a guide to physical activity interventions for people with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions aimed at commissioners and providers of local services.