NHS England shifts policy on ‘computerised’ prosthetic knees
Specialist physios are deciding how best to record outcomes for microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knees (MPKs), after these became more widely accessible to NHS patients last year.
A team of physios married the workout at work concept to an international day designed to encourage exercise as they persuaded their colleagues to move more.
CSP reps call for better mental health services at TUC Black Workers Conference
Delegates at this year’s TUC Black Workers Conference unanimously backed a CSP motion calling for better mental health services for black and minority ethnic (BME) communities.
CSP says European physiotherapists must be allowed to continue working in the UK after Brexit
The CSP says European physiotherapists must be allowed to continue working in the UK, and British physiotherapists in Europe, following the UK’s exit from the European Union.
Physios among latest recruits to King’s College London’s fellowship scheme
Nine physiotherapists from across England joined King’s College London’s older person's fellowship last month, after the scheme admitted allied health professionals (AHPs) for the first time.
Cumbria’s first AHP strategy is aimed at innovation
New ways of delivering physiotherapy are expected to help plug the financial deficit at North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust, which reached £63 million in 2016-17.