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Staffing Evaluation System for Leaders (SESL) toolkit

The SESL tool will help you appraise what staffing resources are required to deliver a safe and effective service. 


Introducing the SESL toolkit

The SESL decision support tool is designed to help you develop your skilled judgement, evaluation and critical thinking.

Primarily for use by physiotherapy managers and team leaders, it is available to all CSP members working in any sector or setting, including stewards. 

It can be used reactively or proactively to review issues relating to safe and effective staffing levels. 

Why use it?

The tool will support you in making the case for the professional activity you need to underpin the development and delivery of high-quality patient care. 

This includes access to CPD, peer review and clinical leadership, and contributing to the education of future members of the profession.

These areas are at risk of being side-lined in some approaches being used to formulate staffing levels.

What you will see:

The results will be in the form of a dashboard with feedback and suggested actions.


What you won't see:

1.  A definitive decision as to what physiotherapy staffing levels are required in a service.

2.  A 'recommended number' of physiotherapists required in any service, team, speciality or setting. (There are disadvantages to providing a number of staff as an output, e.g. minimum or maximum staff required to run a service. Provision of a minimum number could suggest that this is the number sufficient to run a safe and effective physiotherapy service).

3. A gap analysis between the existing physiotherapy staffing level and a safe and effective level.

4. A prescription for a specific skill mix for a service/team.

How to access it

SESL is accessed via our ePortfolio site, as follows:

  1. Go to the ePortfolio/learning hub page and click on 'access the new CSP ePortfolio'.
    (Please note: you will need to be logged in to the CSP website to access this service)
  2. On the ePortfolio homepage in the large blue box click on 'CSP Learning Hub'.
  3. On the Learning Hub homepage click on the 'SESL toolkit' icon in the upper right of the screen.

How to use it

For a visual guide of where the tool is and how to use it effectively, we've prepared this five minute video.

To view a walkthrough of the different screens, please see our pdf below 'How to Guide - finding and using SESL'.

For more detailed notes on the rationale behind SESL, please read our pdf  'A guide to SESL' which is also in the documents section below.


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