The CSP office will be closed between Christmas and New Year (25 December-2 January).  If you need urgent advice during this period visit "Advice for members during the holiday closure"

Bullying in the workplace

Bullying and harassment is behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended – follow this advice if you are experiencing workplace bullying

Bullying makes work intolerable for many and is unacceptable behaviour in whatever form it takes. It is also extremely costly – the costs to the worker include misery, low self-esteem, mental and physical ill-health, and loss of job and career prospects. For the employer, the costs are direct (through sickness absence), indirect (through recruitment and retention problems) and hidden (through the effect on morale and productivity).

Examples of workplace bullying

Workplace bullying presents itself in a wide variety of forms, such as:

  • managers shouting at staff, sometimes in private but often in front of others, such as subordinates or other managers
  • managers constantly criticising people they feel threatened by – for example, those who are particularly competent or well-liked
  • removing responsibility and setting workers trivial or menial tasks instead
  • setting impossible deadlines and criticising when they aren't met
  • directing personal insults at individuals
  • ignoring or excluding individuals
  • being openly aggressive or threatening
  • ridiculing or criticising an individual or their work in front of others
  • shifting blame on to one individual when something goes wrong
  • refusing reasonable requests for time-off, training and so on


If you are experiencing bullying at work, then the resources below may help you.

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