The CSP office will be closed between Christmas and New Year (25 December-2 January).  If you need urgent advice during this period visit "Advice for members during the holiday closure"

Withdrawn publications list

The following publications have been withdrawn and removed from our website.

Details of withdrawn publications

Physiotherapy – Buzzing with ideas for Greater Manchester 22 March 2017

Teaching and training carers during the Covid-19 pandemic

 17 Aug 2020

Working as a physiotherapist in the European Economic Area (EEA)

 January 2019
Advanced practice in physiotherapy Apr 2016
Meeting the challenges in primary care: roundtable discussion Nov 2015
Physiotherapy Works for primary care Oct 2015
Insurance and Physiotherapy PracticePD027Jul 2015
Physiotherapy Works for self-referral April 2015
Professional Appearance Mar 2015
Pay scales and high cost supplements, England and Wales 2014 Mar 2015
Pay scales and high cost supplements, Scotland 2014 Mar 2015
NHS Pension Scheme – Frequently Asked QuestionsIP70Mar 2015
Workout at Work Day 2015 member guide-Feb 2015
Working in Singapore - What a CSP member needs to know Oct 2015
CSP research strategy 2015-2019 Jan 2015
Working in Canada: an overview Sep 2014
Physiotherapy – Essential to Community Service Provision Sep 2014
Flexible working: right to requestIP21Aug 2014
Statutes-Jun 2014
CSP Accreditation of Clinical Educators (ACE) SchemeACE01, ACE02, ACE03, ACE04Apr 2014
Practice Education-Feb 2014
CSP campaigning on wider social and employment issues Jan 2014
NHS Pension Scheme – widening access to staff who do not work directly for the NHSIP68Jan 2014
Employment Relations in the Four Countries-Dec 2013
Redundancy - a guide for managersIP06Nov 2013
Guidance to assist local staff sides facing proposals to change pay terms and conditions-Oct 2013
Equality Impact Assessments (Pay Progression) - CSP Negotiating Guidance-Sep 2013
Pay scales, high cost supplements and on-call allowances in the NHSIP01Apr 2013
Understanding and navigating the new NHS-Mar 2013
Professional networks handbook Feb 2013
Working in New Zealand: What a CSP member needs to know Jan 2013
Delivering a quality service in difficult times827Jan 2013
Physical activity: Evidence briefing (part of the Public Health and Physiotherapy Resource Pack)-Nov 2012
Facilitating Behaviour Change: Evidence briefing-Nov 2012
Quality Assurance Standards: summary tool Oct 2012
Quality Assurance Standards audit tool Oct 2012
Remuneration for working over Christmas and New Year 2012/13IP55Oct 2012
Mileage rates and Lease CarsIP39Sep 2012
Dealing with Members’ Casework-Sep 2012
Working in the USA: an overview of information gathered by the CSP Aug 2012
Working in Australia: what a CSP member needs to know Aug 2012
Social media guidance-Jul 2012
Sports-specific warm up advice-Jul 2012
Public Health and Physiotherapy Resource Pack (core document)-Mar 2012
Public Health and Physiotherapy Resource Pack (core document) Feb 2012
OPAC Manual: JAWS-Dec 2011
Green issues Sep 2011
Surviving in the NHS in harsh economic times: A Guide (Wales)-Sep 2011
An update on education available for support workers in England, Wales and Northern IrelandPD076Jun 2011
NHS reforms in England - what Stewards need to know-Apr 2011
Library and Information Services - overview of services availablePD006Apr 2011
Do you have a problem with your bladder or pelvic floor?-Feb 2011
Joe Jeans Memorial Fund Scholarships-Dec 2010
Surviving the NHS Changes: a guide (England)-Dec 2010
Negotiating guide for new on-call arrangements: England Nov 2010
Moving in Mind - the role of physiotherapy in mental health and wellbeing in Scotland-Sep 2010
Information technology for disabled members: suitable adaptationsPD062Sep 2010
Physiotherapy gets you back on track-Aug 2010
Organising periods of adaptation required by the HPC: advice for non-UK trained physiotherapists-Jul 2010
Guidance for students using social networking websites, blogs,chat forums, texts and tweets-Jun 2010
Physiotherapy and public health-Jun 2010
How public healthy are you?-Jun 2010
Keeping physiotherapy in mind: a framework for the future-May 2010
NHS Health and Wellbeing: implementation of the Boorman Review 2010 - a checklist for stewards and safety reps-May 2010
NHS staff passport (England): a guide for membersIP54Apr 2010
NHS finances: challenging vacancy freezes and staffing cutsIP52Mar 2010
CSP vision for the future of UK physiotherapy, 2010-Mar 2010
Student Representatives Conference 2009 - report of key findingsPD058Mar 2010
Independent Safeguarding Authority - Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme-Feb 2010
Moving on: a vision for community based physiotherapy after stroke in England-Feb 2010

A survey of NHS physiotherapy waiting times and musculoskeletal workload and caseload in England 2009-10

 Dec 2010
Issues raised by Influenza A H1N1 virus outbreak for students’ progression through CSP-approved qualifying programmes in physiotherapy-Nov 2009
HyDAT Project: UK Aquatic Physiotherapy Data Collection-Nov 2009
Welcome to the workplace: meeting new members of staff-Nov 2009
Professionalism, personal appearance and the patient experiencePD043Aug 2009
Physiotherapy Management of Positional Talipes Equinovarus-Aug 2009
Associate application pack :Physiotherapy support workers: join us!-Aug 2009
CSP Guide to literature searchingPD051Aug 2009
UK clinical placements for overseas students-Jul 2009
Pre-registration electives overseas-Jul 2009
CSP OPAC manual : a detailed guide to the online library cataloguePD048Jul 2009
Getting involved in research: a pocket guide-Jul 2009
Healthcare associated infections - prevention and control - A position statementPD047Jun 2009
It's all about you-Jun 2009
Personal training for your pelvic floor muscles-Apr 2009
Physiotherapy Research Capacity and Capability-Apr 2009
Employment pack: guide for physiotherapy students moving into employment-Apr 2009
Representing members handbook-Mar 2009
Clinical guidelines for the physiotherapy management of persistent Low Back Pain (LBP)-Mar 2009
The new Chartered Physiotherapist: guidelines of good practice for new entrants to physiotherapy-Mar 2009
Principles of recording and utilisation of patient based informationPD020Mar 2009
Leaflets & poster: Do you need physiotherapy?-Feb 2009
NHS Next Stage Review - employment issues-Feb 2009
The impact of regulation on support workers: the opportunities and challenges for the Chartered Society of PhysiotherapyPD024Feb 2009
Supporting Knowledge in Physiotherapy Practice I-Feb 2009
Supporting Knowledge in Physiotherapy Practice II-Feb 2009
Getting to grips with NHS commissioning-Jan 2009
Volunteering-Jan 2009
How to register with the English SHA Talent Pools-Jan 2009
Supporting return to practice: a guide for managers-Nov 2008
Return to practice guidance: resource pack-Nov 2008
Keeping a CPD portfolio: using your CD/ePortfolio-Nov 2008
CSP Information Management and Technology StrategyPD023Nov 2008
Recovering mind and body - a framework for the role of physiotherapy in mental health and wellbeing-Oct 2008
Commissioning Mental Health Services-Oct 2008
CSP ePortfolio Quick Reference (Qref) guide-Oct 2008
Identifying and supporting opportunities to work in non-traditional settings - guidance for new graduates and service providers-Oct 2008
Charting the future of physiotherapy-Sep 2008
Health Professions Council (HPC) - Standards for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)-Sep 2008
Keeping a Portfolio: Getting Started-Sep 2008
Modernising Allied Health Professions (AHP) careers: A competence-based career frameworkPD016Aug 2008
High Quality Care For All-Aug 2008
SHA Vision Synopsis-Aug 2008
Information Management and Information Technology GlossaryPD017Aug 2008
You're looking at a future physio-Jul 2008
Keeping a portfolioPD010Jul 2008
Scope of Physiotherapy Practice 2008PD001May 2008
Legal Work Pack-May 2008
Physiotherapy students and individualised insurance cover for practice-based learning-Apr 2008
Seven Day Working, Shift Working and Extended Hours WorkingIP04Apr 2008
So you're going to be a physiotherapist-Mar 2008
The Academic Status of Physiotherapy Qualification and Opportunities to Gain Academic Awards-Jan 2008
Competence and Capability Resource Pack-Jan 2008
National Physiotherapy Research Network Annual Report 2006/7-Dec 2007
2007 Information to guide good practice for physiotherapists working with children-Dec 2007
NHS review: the contribution of physiotherapy-Nov 2007
The New NHS Pension Scheme-Nov 2007
CSP Policy Statement on Continuing Professional Development (CPD)-Oct 2007
Agenda for Change Protection Arrangements - Phased Increase in Protected Weekly Working HoursIP47Oct 2007
How Employment Relations and Union Services (ERUS) Field Services Operate-Aug 2007
The Human Rights Act 1998IP18Jul 2007
Removal of Physiotherapy from the Shortage Occupations List-Jul 2007
Model contract for members working outside the NHSIP26Jun 2007
Guidance for CSP members working abroad-Jun 2007
Mental Capacity Act 2005-May 2007
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended)IP37Mar 2007
Five fundamentals - what politicians and physiotherapists can do to improve the health, social care and well being of people in Wales-Mar 2007
Public health in Northern Ireland-Feb 2007
Professional Issues relating to Changes in Physiotherapy Service Design and Delivery-Feb 2007
Checklist for Effective Physiotherapy Service Delivery-Feb 2007
2006 guidance for the clinical use of electrophysical agents-Feb 2007
Guidance on good practice in hydrotherapy-Feb 2007
Project Group 3: New Ways of Working (NWW) in Psychiatry-Jan 2007
Guidance on developing student placements in community and other non-traditional settings-Jan 2007
Safe practice in rebound therapyPA69Jan 2007
Scottish physiotherapists delivering for health-Dec 2006
Using Competences and Competence Frameworks-Nov 2006
Practice-Based Commissioning (and other changes in English primary care)-Nov 2006
Self-referral to physiotherapy - the facts-Nov 2006
Equality & Diversity - Addressing Core Dimension 6 of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework-Nov 2006
The Development Review Process (NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework)-Nov 2006
We're here to help you-Oct 2006
HPC CPD Standards - Sample profiles-Oct 2006
Welfare Reform Bill-Oct 2006
Give your body a sporting chance-Oct 2006
Backs for the Future-Oct 2006
Active Workplaces? Active Communities? Active Government?-Oct 2006
National Service Framework for Long Term Conditions - a guide to the NSF on neurological long term conditionsPA66Aug 2006
National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services - a briefing paperPA67Aug 2006
Guideline Programme Review - full report-Aug 2006
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 - a guide for physiotherapy staff-Jun 2006
Public Health in Wales - a guide to the public health agenda-Jun 2006
CSP Wales Board and Branch information-Jun 2006
HIV/AIDS-May 2006
Guidance for developing clinical guidelines-May 2006

Social Enterprise Companies: a checklist

IP34Apr 2006
Personal Safety for Loneworkers Apr 2006
NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework and the Development Process: a briefing paper-Mar 2006
NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Guidance - Developing NHS KSF Post Outlines-Mar 2006
Prescribing Rights for Physiotherapists-Feb 2006
Joint Statement on Foundation Degrees for Support Workers-Jan 2006
Code of Conduct for Physiotherapy Assistants / Associate Members-Dec 2005
Core standards of physiotherapy practice-Dec 2005
Service standards of physiotherapy practice 2005-Dec 2005
What's in it for me?-Nov 2005
The lazy exercise guide for busy people-Nov 2005
Leading the way to healthier lives-Nov 2005
Sources of funding for post-qualifying educationCPD12Nov 2005
Physiotherapy - Healthy Lives for All-Nov 2005
Curriculum framework for return to practice in physiotherapy-Nov 2005
Framework for the Creation of Successful Systems of CPD in Physiotherapy Services-Nov 2005
Mentoring-Nov 2005
Equality and diversity: guidelines and self-audit form for training, conferences, meetings and other events-Oct 2005
Sources of Funding for Physiotherapy Assistants-Oct 2005
Making N/SVQs work well - issues of development and assessment within the qualification-Oct 2005
The Personal Development Plan (PDP) as part of the Development Review Process-Oct 2005
Getting Started with N/SVQ-Oct 2005
Resources for Continuing Professional Development-Oct 2005
Pelvic Floor and Vaginal or Ano-Rectal Assessment-Oct 2005
Public Health in Scotland - a guide to the public health agenda-Sep 2005
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders affecting CSP members Sep 2005
Work related musculoskeletal disorders Sep 2005
Clinical guidelines for the physiotherapy management of Whiplash Associated Disorder-Sep 2005
Evidence-based clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, assessment and physiotherapy management of shoulder impingement syndrome-Sep 2005
The CPD Process-Sep 2005
Self-referral to physiotherapy services (Sharing effective physiotherapy)-Aug 2005
Public Health in England - a guide to the public health agenda-Aug 2005
Workplace Learning: evidencing through reflection and evaluation-Jul 2005
Band 5 to 6 run through: guidance for CSP membersIP38Jun 2005
Patient/client health and safety-Jun 2005
CSP position statement on the role of physiotherapy for people with cancer-May 2005
Delegation of tasks to assistants - a guide for qualified members and assistants-May 2005
Grading Pack - Section 4: guidance for advanced practice grades-May 2005
Guidelines for Implementing the Team and Split Placement Models In Physiotherapy Practice PlacementsCE06May 2005
Research and Clinical Effectiveness Strategy 2004-May 2005
Learning in the practice environment in qualifying programmes of physiotherapy: guidance on its organisation, delivery and recognition-May 2005
Patients seeking treatment in the public and private sector-May 2005
Physiotherapy Pain Association (PPA) Recommendations for Low Back Pain-related Functional Limitation Outcome Measures-May 2005
Registering for a Research Degree-May 2005
Specialisms and specialists : guidance for developing the clinical specialist rolePA23May 2005
CSP policy briefing: government initiatives: single assessment policy-May 2005
Enhancing your CPD: the contribution of clinical education-May 2005
General Principles of Record Keeping and Access to Health Records-May 2005
Guidance for developing junior/senior II posts and rotations-May 2005
Contracts of employment-May 2005
Entering physiotherapy teaching-May 2005
Guidelines for good practice for the education of clinical educators-May 2005
Guidelines for In-service Training for Physiotherapy Assistants-May 2005
Insurance and Working Overseas-May 2005
Making Physiotherapy Count - a range of quality assured services-May 2005
Outcome Measures for People with Depression-May 2005
Professional Learning and the Role of Tutors Within CPD Programmes-May 2005
Access funds and hardship loans-May 2005
Chartered Physiotherapists and Insurance-May 2005
Physiotherapy and Complementary Medicine-May 2005
A National Framework for Support Worker Education and Development-May 2005
Grading Pack - Section 2 : the PAM (PTA) Whitley Council Grading Enabling Agreement-May 2005
Keeping your business moving forward-May 2005
The Network for CPD and Postgraduate Education-May 2005
Warm up to exercise-May 2005
Guidelines on Collaboration: Linking with a Higher Education Institute for Post-Qualifying Programme Development and Delivery-May 2005
Partnership in Action-May 2005
Professional and taught doctorates: CSP criteria and expectationsQA04May 2005
Self financing students-May 2005
Take the pain out of driving-May 2005
Developing Effective Assessment Procedures-May 2005
Guidelines for Members Considering a Post as a Lecturer/Practitioner and for Higher Education Institutions Considering Employment of One-May 2005
Insurance Cover for Student Clinical Placements-May 2005
It can be a pain in the neck-May 2005
Lifelong Learning and Physiotherapy Assistants-May 2005
An outcomes model: demonstrating professionalism through CPD-May 2005
Grading Pack - Section 1: assisting members with a regrading claim-May 2005
The Role of the Honorary Research Officer-May 2005
CPD Portfolio of Learning - Brochure-May 2005
Latex and Latex AllergyH&S13May 2005
Clinical audit-May 2005
Clinical Education Placement Guidelines-May 2005
Emergency Respiratory, On Call Working: Guidance for ManagersPA53May 2005
Expectations of master's level programmes within Qualifying Physiotherapy Education-May 2005
Grading Pack - Section 3 : grading guidance for physiotherapy assistants-May 2005
Integrated Care PathwaysPA46May 2005
Audit pack: Physiotherapy guidelines for the management of osteoporosis-May 2005
Physiotherapy Workforce Statistics 1995 - 2000-May 2005
Research Ethics and Ethics Committees-May 2005
Writing a News Release-May 2005
Chartered physiotherapists working as extended scope practitioners-May 2005
CSP Policy briefing : government initiatives : intermediate care HSC 2001/01-May 2005
Emergency Respiratory On Call Working: Guidance for Physiotherapists-May 2005
Exercise Referral Systems: A National Quality Assurance Framework-May 2005
Expectations of M level programmes for chartered physiotherapists-May 2005
Grading Pack - Section 5: government strategy & FAQs-May 2005
Guidelines for good practice: student consentQA06May 2005
Sources of Research Funding-May 2005
Validation Procedures-May 2005
Working outside the scope of physiotherapy practice-May 2005
ERASMUS-May 2005
Guidelines For Implementing Collaborative (Multiple) Models In Physiotherapy Practice Placements-May 2005
Health Promotion : Physical Activity and Exercise In Selected Populations-May 2005
Sources of funding for pre-qualifying electives-May 2005
Clinical guideline for the use of injection therapy by physiotherapists-May 2005
CPD Portfolio of Learning - CD-May 2005
Health Action Zones-May 2005
Issues relating to Programme Approval arising from the Modernisation Agenda: Guiding Principles-May 2005
Outcome measures-May 2005
Physiotherapy consultant (NHS) : role, attributes and guidance for establishing posts-May 2005
Physiotherapy guidelines for the management of osteoporosis-May 2005
Planning and Delivering Opportunities for CPD: Guidelines for Good Practice-May 2005
Primary Care groups and trusts: issues to consider for physiotherapists and their services-May 2005
Violence at WorkH&S02Aug 2004
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) guidelines - quick reference guide-Jul 2003
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) audit pack-May 2003
Clinical guidelines for the physiotherapy management of females aged 16 - 65 years with stress urinary incontinence-May 2003
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992H&S14May 2003
Curriculum framework for qualifying programmes in physiotherapy-Dec 2002
Rules of Professional Conduct (2nd edition) (Downloadable version)-Jan 2002
Audit Pack (falls audit)-Sep 2001
A Guide to PensionsIP17Aug 2001
Hazards in Hydrotherapy PoolsH&S12Jul 2001
Workplace Infection RisksH&S09Jul 2001
The Social Dialogue-Jan 2001
Clinical Audit Tools-Oct 2000
Repetitive Strain InjuryH&S08May 1999
Reproductive and Post-Birth Hazards in PhysiotherapyH&S06Aug 1998
Physiotherapy Works for self-referral--
Physiotherapy Works for primary care--

Professional networks handbook

Ready for market 2014
Last reviewed: