Stroke therapists launch free online guide to neuro rehab apps
Physiotherapists in North Devon have helped develop a free online resource to help carers, clinicians and therapists find suitable apps for neuro rehabilitation.
A physiotherapy professor from London has helped build international research links by presenting the keynote speech at the inaugural German Society for Physiotherapy Science conference.
Department of Health offers money to help new physio students meet placement costs
Physiotherapy students who start degrees in England next year will be able to apply for financial support to meet the costs of compulsory clinical placements, according to the Department of Health.
Physios organise Christmas gifts in memory of ‘wonderful’ colleague
Physiotherapy staff at University Hospital Llandough have been arranging an extra surprise for their older patients this Christmas, courtesy of Sally’s Gift.
Charity recognises physios for excellent ankylosing spondylitis care
Physiotherapists who provide excellent care to people with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), which affects about 200,000 people in the UK, have received awards from a national charity.
Gloucestershire clinical MSK group wins joint working award
A musculoskeletal (MSK) clinical programme group, which includes physios, has been recognised for its excellent cross-organisation work with Gloucestershire’s health and social care community.