Palliative physio receives Churchill Memorial Trust fellowship
A physiotherapist has received a prestigious fellowship from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust which will allow her to gain an international perspective of palliative care.
Powys Teaching Health Board’s staff excellence awards for innovation and for young employee of 2018 went to two CSP members – Anna Belotti and Alys Reynolds, respectively.
Physios have an ‘amazing role’ in social prescribing – an idea whose time has come
Allied health professionals have an ‘amazing role’ in social prescribing, James Sanderson, director of personalised care at NHS England, told a Westminster Health Forum conference.
CSP urges Student Loans Company not to recover overpayments
CSP chief executive Karen Middleton has written a stern letter to the Student Loans Company (SLC) saying an overpayment error was ‘unacceptable’, and should be written off.
Smoke inhalation catastrophe reveals vital role of physiotherapists
Physiotherapists at King’s College Hospital NHS Trust found that uniting their different specialisms was vital to the care of smoke inhalation patients following the Grenfell Tower fire.
Physio leads therapy team in campaign which cut 4.45 unnecessary intermediate care bed days
Bolton NHS Trust’s intermediate care team has reduced patients’ average length of stay by 4.45 days since it introduced NHS Improvement’s Red2Green campaign in October 2017.
Patient describes how high-quality rehabilitation made an enormous difference to her life
A powerful presentation of how physiotherapy helped recovery from locked-in syndrome was given at the Northern Ireland launch of a campaign to improve access to community rehabilitation services.
Gaps in knowledge highlighted for Back pain techniques
Health experts need to find cost-effective and context-specific strategies for managing low back pain if they are to reduce the future burden of the disease, according to three papers published by the Lancet.
Stop wasting so many of the lives you save, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy in Northern Ireland has told the health service as it launches a new campaign to improve access to community rehabilitation services.