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Physio findings: can prehabilitation reduce surgery risks?
In our latest editon of physio findings, Janet Wright along with CSP research adviser Katherine Jones looks at if prehabilitations can reduce surge
On a mission
Using jargon can often get in the way of understanding what we’re really trying to achieve, admits Karen Middleton.
Work issues: batting for you
Gary Henson looks at the support the CSP can give if you’re treated unfairly at work.
A welcome in the hillside
Staff at an impressive mansion in East Lothian provide much-needed therapy for people with neurological conditions, as Graham Clews discovered.
Hearing the voice of the patient
Need to lobby for your services? Your patients are your strongest card says Richard Griffin.
Holisitic hopes
Helen Mooney meets some physios who believe that women’s health and MSK specialists should collaborate more closely.
Light touch: the way the CSP is influencing the way others view physiotherapy
Physios worry more about their patients than policy.
3 minutes with Adam Morgan
Juggling two very different roles. CSP steward Adam Morgan is a respiratory physiotherapist but also plays a much wider representative role on
Physio findings: can electricity calm overactive bladders?
In our latest editon of physio findings, Janet Wright along with CSP research adviser Katherine Jones looks at electricity calming overactive
Advice Line: why does Black History Month matter?
Why does Black History Month matter? Myless Mwanza finds out.