The CSP office will be closed between Christmas and New Year (25 December-2 January).  If you need urgent advice during this period visit "Advice for members during the holiday closure"

Membership diversity data

Here you can explore the data we hold on the diversity of the CSP's membership in 2021.

Who makes up the CSP's membership in 2021?

Membership diversity

The following charts show the current diversity of our membership by gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and religion.

On several charts we have aggregated responses under some membership categories to ensure anonymity. See 'How is the CSP keeping member data safe?' for more information about when and why we do this.

You can help us to improve the accuracy of our diversity data by updating your member profile.





Sexual orientation


About the CSP's diversity data

Why does the CSP invite members to provide diversity data?

We monitor the diversity of our members so we can use the data to:

  • inform our equity, diversity and belonging objectives and identify activities we can undertake to achieve these objectives; 
  • inform Equality Impact Assessments and actions (EIAs) to identify equity, diversity and belonging considerations when designing policies and processes; and
  • assess if we have met our equity, diversity and belonging objectives.

How does the CSP collect this data?

The data is drawn from the data members provide us with when joining the CSP and then when they update their member profile on our website. 

This data is incomplete as we haven’t been consistently asking members over time. We are committed to improving our diversity monitoring and ask that you support us by updating your member profile to provide as much information as you feel comfortable doing. For each category of data there is a prefer not to say option. 

How is the CSP improving the way it collects data?

By capturing more complete data, we will have a better base to inform our work and assess impact. We will be able to complete more detailed analysis, which will help us identify if any of our practices are indirectly discriminatory.

We are currently reviewing the data categories used to collect member data to make them more inclusive and are considering which of the other protected characteristics we should gather monitoring data for. There are some limitations with the data categories we currently use, for example our gender identity categories do not include non-binary.

How is the CSP keeping member data safe?

Individual monitoring data is protected and securely stored in line with data protection legislation.

Information published will not identify individuals and we will not publish information about groups of fewer than ten people. Instead, we will aggregate data into combined categories where there are groups of fewer than ten people and represent small numbers using an asterisk or a range (for example, <10). This is to avoid a situation where individuals are identifiable, even if their names are not used.

Chartered (HEI): Chartered members teaching in Higher Education Institutions
Associate members: includes Associate members on a career break

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