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Every mind matters

Linda Hindle promotes Public Health England’s campaign that supports people to deal with their mental health and wellbeing.

Linda Hindle Deputy chief allied health professional officer for England

We were all excited to see the launch of Public Health England’s (PHE) major mental health campaign, Every mind matters, in October, supported by the Royal family and numerous celebrities.

The campaign supports everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing – advocating a range of self-care actions to promote good mental health and tackle common problems, as well as signposting wider resources and services for those in greater need.

Through use of the campaign’s content and navigation tool, our aim is for one million adults to be better informed and equipped to look after their own mental health and support others.

It is increasingly recognised that taking care of our mental health is as important as maintaining good physical health. A new PHE survey reveals more than eight in ten people (83 per cent) have experienced early signs of poor mental health in the last 12 months, including feeling anxious, stressed, having low mood or trouble sleeping.

While these can be a natural response to life’s challenges, they can become serious if people wait too long before taking action.

Over a quarter of people (27 per cent) who experienced signs of poor mental health waited at least six months before taking action to manage it, with three quarters of them (74 per cent) wishing they had acted sooner.

Our health is affected by our circumstances, including having a job, friends and a roof over our heads. Anxiety, stress, low mood and trouble sleeping can affect everyone.

Every mind matters aims to help people to better handle life’s ups and downs. The new platform, which has been endorsed by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RGCP), enables people to create a personalised action plan recommending a set of self-care actions to deal with stress, boost mood, improve sleep and feel in control.

We hope the campaign will help increase public awareness of how we can all stay as mentally well as possible and be useful for physiotherapy staff as you support your patients.

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