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Editor's comment: piece of cake

As an editor, I like to think putting Frontline together is a bit like baking a cake, says Lynn Eaton.

Getting the mix right is key to a tasty end result. Too little of one ingredient and the middle will never rise, and heaven help you if the end result is burnt!
So it was very heartening that a recent marketing survey of CSP members showed you rated your magazine as one of the main tangible benefits of being a CSP member, coming only after insurance in the pecking order. Meanwhile, two respondents in three voiced satisfaction with the magazine. One in four was ‘neutral’, and one in 10 ‘dissatisfied’. (If you fall into the latter category, let me know why!).
And print is definitely not dead, particularly for the member who told us they read Frontline in the bath! Not something you can do safely with an iPad.
Our mix of ingredients ranges from clinical and professional issues through to CSP campaigns and government policy; from employment issues to what I dub the ‘feel good factor’. That’s when we focus on members’ achievements, career developments, leadership issues, award winners and the inspirational things CSP members do.
I hope you find something to inspire you in this issue – whether it’s research findings, reports from the neurology network’s annual conference, or the analysis of the developing apprenticeship agenda – a new route into the profession.
We hope as many of you as possible will rise to the 2017 Workout@Work challenge (page 16), which has a new twist this year. Check it out – and do get involved!
  • Lynn Eaton managing editor Frontline and head of CSP member communications
Lynn Eaton managing editor Frontline and head of CSP member communications

Number of subscribers: 2

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